All About Jesus.

Hi to all who are reading this; my name is Matthew and I am the one in charge of Sheepy. I am an extremely passionate follower of Jesus Christ, who indeed is My Savior. As I grew up in this world I realized I was missing a connection to many things but purpose, happiness, fulfillment of my soul and true love were big ones I focused on most. By the Grace of God Almighty, I was able to come to full recognition that I had drifted, like all, from the divine teachings that Jesus, The Lamb of God, bled and died for on the cross. As maturity in my spiritual walk recently strengthened beyond measure, I now have a roaring and blazing fire inside my spirit and soul that is truly set for Jesus and exactly what He did for me on that cross. Without Jesus, we would be in the Old Testament, but BECAUSE of JESUS we are in THE NEW TESTAMENT. Truly I say it is humbling beyond measure to know that God Almighty would send His One and Only Son to DIE an atrocious death for the sins of the world; by the way roman crucifixion was THE MOST BRUTAL form of death a man can endure. I will not forget that before the cross he was mocked and humiliated, kicked, slapped, hit, spat on, punched, pushed, shoved, whipped, brutally malled beyond recognition with a crown of thorns piercing his head, and still was forced to carry the weight of the cross; The One Cross. A truly innocent Man of God, known by God Almighty before time itself, would be The One Sacrifice, The Only One worth the atonement for the sins that mankind itself could not shake from. I sit in awe, as My Heavenly Father would love me so much that He would put in effect the most perfect plan, the most perfect story that would bring true salvation to His people. Truly I can say I belong to Him, because without Him, I know with all of my soul, spirit, and being that I would never be here typing this out as the start of My Testimony to this world. It is because of Jesus and I will live for Him, because He died for me.